Learning facilitator
Ayin Jambulingam
Area of expertise
Group dynamics, Facilitation (small and large group), Experiential exercises, Systems thinking, Group coaching, Individual depth/developmental coaching.

About Ayin Jambulingam
Ayin is the founder and principal consultant of Glia Leadership. He coaches on senior leadership programs at several leading business schools in Asia and Europe. His private work focuses on customised consulting to senior leadership teams and on coaching senior executives.
Ayin’s approach draws on his experiences from finance, business and organisational behaviour. He combines systems dynamics, behavioural and cognitive approaches as well as linguistics in his coaching and consulting. His work includes facilitation of interpersonal conversations, small groups and large groups; and depth/developmental coaching.
In his previous business roles, Ayin was a venture capital consultant to investment firms in London and Geneva, focused on early-stage principal investment. Prior to that, he held senior audit roles at KPMG in Dublin, as well as at PwC and Morgan Stanley in New York. Ayin holds an MA in Psychoanalytic Organisational Consultation from the Tavistock Clinic. He is a Certified Master Coach from the Behavioural Coaching Institute, an NLP Master Practitioner and Master Coach, as well as a Language and Behaviour Profile Coach. He is certified in multiple psychometrics and 360 feedback instruments. Ayin is a Fellow of the Irish Institute of Chartered Accountants and holds an MBA (Distinction in Leadership) from IMD International.
Delivered in the following countries
Australia, China, France, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Oman, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, United Kingdom. (and have worked with participants from many other countries on executive programs at business schools)
IMD International, Switzerland and Singapore
INSEAD, France and Singapore
Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland,
Tavistock Clinic in the United Kingdom