Learning facilitator
Jean Vanhoegaerden
Area of expertise
Leadership, change and cross cultural

About Jean Vanhoegaerden
Jean is a professor of practice at Ashridge/Hult business school and is responsible for design and delivery of international executive programmes, and is responsible for the Leadership and Leading Globally syllabus on UG, MBA and EMBA programs.
Hi is also visiting professor at LBS, Vlerick School of management, HKUST.
He teaches
International management : eg. sessions around globalization, global leadership and managing cross cultural differences on individual, team and organizational level.
Leadership : eg. psychological aspects of leadership, strategic leadership
Leading change : eg implementing change and strategy, process of change
Jean speaks regular at in-company conferences around these topics.
Jean has consulted to numerous firms in Europe, and has taught executive courses in North and Latin America, Europe, Singapore, South Africa, Australia and the Middle and Far East..
He also was visiting professor at Fuqua school of business at Duke University in Raleigh Durham ,NC, USA and now also teaches at London Business school, Vlerick Business school Gent and the Hong Kong University of science and technology.
His interests are linking the strategic aspects to the ‘softer areas’ in business.
His responsibilities at Ashridge are mainly in developing and delivering management development programmes for international clients. For example, Rockwell Automation, Electrolux, ICL, Credit Agricole Indosuez ,Perstorp, VNU , Klockner , Royal Sun Alliance Kappa, Nomura, Coca Cola Entreprises, Rexam , ACNielsen, Volvo ,Philips ,Tetra Pak, OMV, a.o.
His business and academic experience is situated as human resources manager in a European business unit of Honeywell and management development manager at Honeywell’s European HQ. He was responsible for the development and design of management development programmes and trainer on several courses in teambuilding and performance management at a European level.
He also worked for a Swedish consultancy group working on recruitment, assessment and coaching for clients in various business sectors and in many countries. His early career was spent as research assistant with the Centre for Organisational and Personnel Psychology in Belgium. He worked on outdoor training, group dynamics and teambuilding, and organisational culture.
Jean has a Masters degree in Organisational and Personnel Psychology and has followed courses at Thunderbird, Harvard University and at Tuck school of business.
Research interest : adaptive leadership, cross cultural differences
Examples of sessions :
Style : interactive, combination of input ( eclectic approach) , discussion, cases , simulations, exercises, questionnaires and informal and formal reflection
Cross cultural management
• Mindset and the skill set to work effectively in a global world
• Frameworks to increase understanding of cross cultural management
• Leadership in different cultures
• Cross cultural communication
• Implementing global strategy : the cultural challenges
• International teams
• Difference between management and leadership
• What do leaders do
• Different styles of leadership ( sometime supported by 360, MBTI a.o)
• Authentic leadership
• Leader as coach
• Leader as visionary
• Surviving as a leader
Leading change
• Different context and magnitude of change and different leadership roles in these contexts
• Implementing change ( case and/or Change Pro simulation)
• Individual and organizational processes in change
• Challenges in leading change
Delivered in the following countries
Almost everywhere in the world in English, Dutch and French
Ashridge/Hult, HKUST. Vlerick Management school, LBS
Public Profile
Links to any interviews & Podcasts: